Children’s Eye Exams
Pediatric Eye Care at Mile High Eye Care
A child’s success in school is greatly dependent on their vision. Because kids don’t have a reference point to compare to they are often unware of problems with their vision. An annual eye exam helps ensure that they are able to see everything clearly and comfortably to make sure learning is not harder than it has to be. Vision problems are a barrier to learning and can be misdiagnosed as ADHA or learning disability.
Eye Health
Maintaining a regular check up routine helps ensure that your child’s eyes are healthy now and into the future. At their annual exam we are assessing not just vision, but eye health. The American Academy of Optometry recommends a child’s eye health be checked at least every 2 years.
How your kids glasses fit and feel makes all the difference in making sure that they are able to wear them happily and comfortably each day. Kids that wear their glasses more regularly have prescriptions that progress less quickly and they have better vision development into adulthood. Our office carries a wide selection of children’s glasses and our staff is trained in make sure their glasses are properly fit.