Eye Exams
You may think that eye exams are only for people who need glasses, but the truth is that everyone needs regular eye exams. Although it’s vital to ensure your eyes see clearly, that’s not all we look for in an eye exam. Many sight-limiting eye diseases like glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration cause slow but permanent damage without any apparent symptoms. Regular eye exams allow us to detect any minor changes to your vision and catch early signs of disease.
Childrens Eye Exams
Your child’s vision is crucial in their development and early education. In fact, 80% of your child’s learning is visual. From a young age, it’s important for your child to visit us for regular exams. During these exams, we can identify and recommend treatment for any potential issues. With over 10 years of experience in pediatric eye care Dr. Heidi Hughes is an expert in taking care of childrens eyes.
Contact Lens Exams
Everyone's eyes are different so there is no one size fits all solution to contact lenses. We are experts in the fitting and management of contact lenses. Whether you are just starting out or have been wearing contact lenses for years we will take the time to find the right lenes for you. If you have eye conditions, such as keratoconus, that require a more advanced lens and fit we can see you in our specialty contact lens clinic.
Ready to find your frame? Our optical carries the latest lines from all our frame designers. Our team of experience opticians will help you find the right fit so you will look as good as you see!
We specialize in the treatment of Dry Eye Disease (DED). Whether mild or severe we offer personalized and effective solutions to your dry eye. If dry eye has been bothersome to you and you have not had good results with over the counter drops schedule a consultation in our dry eye clinic so we can help come up with a solution.
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Eye Disease Treatment